Why Scar Creams Work

Scars vary in size, shape, and color depending on the size of the gash, cut, or burn. Since they tend to be a different color then the rest of the skin, many people who crave a clear complexion go to great lengths to reduce, or at least minimize, their blemish.

Often times, as consumers we are blindly purchasing products that have weighted claims, placing all our trust and faith into believing exactly what is advertised on the bottle, not having any true understanding of how it actually works, or even why it would work. Being informed about what to look for in a product’s ingredients will not only help consumers see results sooner, but also prevent you from investing in a product with empty claims – saving money!

Scars generally develop due to an uneven amount of collagen being produced by the skin, post injury. The amount of collagen released affects the size of the scar. Typically, it is important to make sure the skin produces enough college to protect the damaged area against infection or further injury in the same place.

When shopping for a cream, consumers want to make sure the cream monitors the collagen to produce the appropriate amount it needs, in order for it to be effective in reducing visibility, as well as speeding up the healing of the scar. Most scar creams claim to help regenerate skin cells (type I collagen), as well as replace the existing scarred cells (type II collagen). But how does this actually work? While some creams will in fact work on the cellular level of the skin, other creams are bluffing entirely. Therefore, it is imperative to know what to look for and why. Ingredients such as aloe vera, vitamin E, Pracaxi oil, collaxyl, and silicon all have proven extremely effective in treating scars. Collaxyl (hexapeptide 9), in particular, is an important constituent since this peptide encourages the skin to regenerate damaged cells. While Collaxyl helps to regenerate, silicone will reduce collagen production, for the scar to blend more evenly over time, allowing for a softer, flatter surface of the injured area.

BioidenticaRX knows how frustrating it can be to have scars in very visible locations on the body. Check out Folsom Medical Pharmacy’s online store for our newest scar cream product. Try it and let us know what you think! Like they say, “the proof is in the pudding”.

By Kayleigh Stack

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