10 Reasons To Take Nutritional Supplements

It is understandable to doubt supplements, given that many nutritional supplements are not FDA approved and, more often than not, their sourcing can be vague. However, quality supplements from a reputable source can literally be a lifesaver, and your life insurance. Below are 10 reasons why taking supplements have become essential this day-and-age.

1) Believe it or not, cooking our food leads to nutrient depletion in itself. What this means is, just by doing the very thing that we often find is necessary to do to food, actually decreases it’s nutritional value.

2) Our food passes through a lot of hands prior to getting to our grocer and then to our plates. Because of the advanced storage techniques that has food lasting for far longer than it was ever meant to, most nutrients that were in the food at the time of harvest, significantly decreases by the time it gets to our plates.

3) The agriculture techniques that are being used these days are causing nutrient deficiency in our soil. Therefore, even though we might be consuming average amounts of fruits and vegetables, there is far less nutritional value in our produce than there was 30 years ago.

4) Due to GMOs, the nutritional value of most food has plummeted, leaving all of our meals deprived of standard, healthy levels of nutrition.

5) We are bad at masticating. Period. Simply put, we don’t take the time to chew our food, most likely because we are too busy running around doing everything else on the planet. Stress in itself makes it difficult for our body to utilize the nutrients we believe to be giving our body.

6) The use of pharmaceuticals makes it increasingly more difficult for the body to absorb and retain nutrients because of their tendency to deplete the body of vitamins and minerals.

7) Pollution in the water we drink and the air we breath causes our body to work overtime as it attempts to detoxify all the chemicals that are entering our blood stream on the daily, using more nutrients than we generally consume.

8) Whether you are pregnant, going through menopause, or under a significant amount of stress, there are certain times in our lives that our bodies are under pressure. Stress demands more nutrients.

9) There is no one-size-fits-all method when it comes to nutrition. Everyone needs different amounts of nutrients at different times in their lives. Multi-vitamins prevents our immune systems from weakening.

10) Getting the appropriate amount of nutrients can prevent acute and chronic illnesses. Disease often times is a product of poor health.

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