Why washing the face before bed is important

Many skin care practices have been discussed ad nauseam – wash the face at night to prevent blemishes, acne, and to stay breakout-free. However, what if you are simply one of those people graced with perfect skin from the day you were born and no matter how many nights in a row you go to sleep with a full coat of make-up caked on your face, you never once witnessed even the slightest bit of irritation? Is there another reason, aside from acne, that would encourage those blessed with the skin of a cherub to still wash their face?

Washing our face before sleep is imperative for preventing age spots, especially around the eyes for those women who wear eye make-up. Due to the metabolic processes taking place over night, along with the massive amount of blood supply that surfaces to the skin in the evening hours, washing the face is an excellent opportunity to allow the skin to both rehydrate and replenish. While this might not be priority when young and nubile, in the later years you might be kicking yourself in the rear when early signs of aging appear on what was once elastic, youthful skin. Additionally, if you do have acne, pigmentation, or other complexion issues, the evening is the perfect time of day to work on returning your skin back to it’s preferred homeostasis.

Whether or not you wear make-up, washing your face cleanses the skin of everything that builds up throughout the day- pollutants, bacteria, and other unknown debris. If you wear makeup, clearing the complexion every night with a high quality cleanser can better prepare the skin for absorbing face products the following day. It is important to start each day with a clean, healthy canvas.

Choose facial cleansers that are gentle, verses the abrasive ingredients generally found in a bar of soap. Harsh soap has the tendency to trigger oil production. Check out Folsom pharmacy’s online store BioidenticaRX for CosmoGrade’s facial cleansers, among other products

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