Tag Archives: DHEA

7-Keto DHEA: Why it’s better

There has been copious reports touting the benefits of DHEA in the past decade. However, many are still in the dark as far as it’s fundamental function in the body. Some know it for its supposed brain health attributes, while others might recognize it as having something to do with metabolism. Although the two go hand-in-hand, these two associations are still quite vague.

So what is DHEA?

DHEA is an endogenous hormone, meaning it is produced by the body, specifically by the adrenal glands, brain and skin. It’s a steroid hormone in the adrenal glands synthesized from cholesterol, responsible for the production of testosterone and estrogen. DHEA produces multiple hormones on demand including estrogen, progesterone, cortisone and testosterone. Much of the coverage on the supplement boasts benefits of enhanced sex drive, improved muscle function, depression, obesity and adrenal function. Research has concluded that the body reaches it’s peak of DHEA production at the age of 20, while by the age of 30 levels drop, and cutting nearly in half by 50. For this reason, many healthcare practitioners suggest DHEA consumption for their adult patients when experiencing signs of hormone imbalances including fatigue, low libido, depression, as well as a weak immune systems and joint pain. It has been clinically proven that when DHEA levels are high, one is less likely to suffer from disease.

While DHEA certainly has it’s benefits, there are certain factors to consider, especially for women. For both men and women, low doses, such as 5 milligrams a day, has been deemed tolerable in most bodies. However, anything above that, particularly in women, has shown to cause unwanted facial hair, ceased menstruation, as well as acne and irritability.

To prevent such side effect, 7-Keto DHEA has been the most promising form of the hormone. Specifically, 7-Keto has proven to minimize androgenic activity (i.e unwanted hair growth) by not converting testosterone or estrogen. So what is it exactly? 7-Keto is a naturally occurring byproduct of DHEA – the hormone metabolite. It helps to easily absorb the DHEA into the bloodstream as well as aids in the body retaining the hormone for longer.

7-Keto DHEA has also shown to restore the immune system, support memory and other cognitive functioning, decrease muscle loss, reduce stress, raise metabolic rate as well as support healthy body composition and BMI (Body Mass Index), when combined with exercise. Recent studies claim that 7-Keto DHEA can increase body fat loss 3x time more than that of regular DHEA supplements. Apart from weight loss, the hormone restores the immune system in various ways. It particular, 7-Keto specifically helps to increase the amount of immune helper cells in the body, as well as white blood cells.

Before taking any type of supplement it is important to consult with a knowledgeable physician or pharmacist. Experiencing fatigue, low libido or a weak immune system? Set up a Wellness consultation today with Bioidentica to see if 7-Keto DHEA is the supplement you have been needing to offset the aging process.

By Kayleigh Stack

Blogger and Health Activist